今天我釣到人生的第一條魚   I fished the very first fish in my life.
說是魚,就是魚,不是男生也不是女生  Fish is fish, not human.
沒有玄外之音的.  Fish is fish, doesn't mean anything else.

今天一早起床,I woke up very early this morning,
本想盡責的完成大嫂交待的事*,  I wanted to finish something Mrs. Chen asked me to do.
看到漢書在電腦前. I saw Hon-Su sat in front of the computer.
漢書說今天休假,但是要去釣魚.  Hon-su said he got one day off and wanted to go fishing.
他問我要不要一起去.  He invited me to go with him.
非常開心的就答應了.  I said yes very happily.

首先我們開車到Mandurah,  We drove to Mandurah
就是上次看到很多大嘴鳥的地方 where we saw a  lot of palican last time.
漢書幫我弄好器材,就讓我自生自滅,是自由發揮 He helped me to set up everything and left me a lone.
來澳洲兩年,參加過幾次釣魚行程, I went fishing several times in these two years in OZ.
我就不信我能釣到個什麼東東.  I didn't think I can get anything.
眼看著漢書釣起一條條的魚,  It's really easy to fish fish for Hon-su.
我不禁黯然傷神..  I felt shame.
可是漢書是專業級的耶.  But Hon-su is the professional fisherman.

說時遲那時快.  While I was still on the mood of shame.
我釣竿有東西.  I felt something bite. 
那絕對不會是螃蟹也不會是鯊魚.  I thought it wouldn't be crabs or sharks.
一定是魚呀!  It should be the fish.
趕緊捲捲捲捲捲..  I rolled the line back immediately.
哈哈哈哈哈    hahahahaha
一條魚,大概有25公分長   A fish and it's about 25 cm long.

生平憑藉個人能力得到的第一條魚  My very first fish in my whole life.
此時漢書離我有50公尺遠.  At that moment, Hon-su was 50 meter far away from me.
我就憑著三腳貓工夫  I didn't know much about fish, totally not professional.
把魚拆下來,放到桶子裡. Tried to release the fish and put it in the bucket.
我大呼一聲,告訴他我終於釣到魚了.  I yelled and told him I got one finally.

四小時過後,桶子裡還是只有一條魚.  There was still one fish in the bucket after 4 hrs.
然後漢書說,妳的魚是不合法的. Hon-su said your fish is an illegle fish.
因為太小隻了  because it's too small.
可是魚都被我蹂躪到死了 The fish was trampled to die because of me.  
可我不是故意的咩! I didn't mean to do that.
放回水裡也沒用.  it's useless to put it back to the water.
所以還是帶回家好了 .   We still brought it home.

所以生平第一條魚,我帶回家了, I brought my very fish home,
不合法的魚 An illegle fish.



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