
哪知道 星期四下午
本來要先去洗澡 洗澡前忽然很有"便"意 想說 先去便一下好了

pinkpig000 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

其實剛剛想到一件事 讓我覺得卯死了

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My lower back was getting better until today.

Yesterday, I spent 12 hrs taking the train from Melbourne to Adelaide.
While I arrived the backpackers, I still felt good.

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In 2005, I stayed in Springvale with a Combodia family.
In fact, the family is only a couple, and I call them uncle and aunty.
Today, I called uncle and asked if I can visit them.
Unfortunnately, they are working and will work until 8 pm.
It's too late.

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My little black is dead.
Only the fan works.
HD dead...
Poor little black.
Will send it to be fixed today.

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pinkpig000 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jun 22 Fri 2007 19:37
  • 公告


pinkpig000 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I quitted the job in Tasmania.
There are few reasons.
以為老闆看重我的工作能力 說我能操作機器 所以加我薪水
後來才知道 即使妳不用工作表現好 只要長的好看一點 一樣可以加薪
真的超級不爽 拿同一級薪水 我卻要做粗重一點的活 搞的背痛

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This week I only worked for 27 hours.
I don't know why I always felt sleepy after working.
Because of the cold weather.

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now, everything is ok (seems like that).
Today, I visited many blogs on the internet.
Most (All) of them are pretty good.
Full of pictures, good articles and beautiful
background. Some of them have music.

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Did you send the items I want?????
Please pick up ur cell phone or throw it away.
If you don't pick up the phone, it's useless.
COME ON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

pinkpig000 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Except Obba will go back Korea.

Went to Melbourne four days for Obba(Jack).
It's hard to say goodbye, but have to say.
Will we see each other again?

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I got 25 cents more than others per hour.
It means 2 dallors more than other backpackers per day
It means I only can get less than two dollars per day
more than others.

pinkpig000 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

I added 8 pictures.
Two are the pictures of my boyfriends.
Six are the pictures of the comet I saw in Jan.
Enjoy it, my friends.
Oh, I always call the younger one "My lovest Beom",

pinkpig000 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

  • Mar 17 Sat 2007 06:31
  • Times

This year, I learned something.

Once is enough, twice are too many.

I came back this backpackers, met some people.

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